Training Packages — The Flight Academy
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Training Packages

(more below)



The first step

21 Day Private Pilot



Learn to fly in a Cirrus: one of the world’s safest, most comfortable and technologically advanced aircraft. Getting your Private Pilot’s license in a Cirrus opens up a new world of adventure, enjoyment, and expanded capability. Join our legion living the Cirrus Life.

courses Highlights

    • Flexible scheduling

    • Train at home or in Seattle

    • Scenario based training
    • Maximize Cirrus's capabilities
    • Build your Cirrus time in type
    • Train with highly skilled instructors

    Initial Rating and Recurrent

    14 day Instrument Training



    The instrument rating program is our signature course. Our three stage curriculum efficiently grooms you to become a safe instrument pilot who will be able to get the most utility and enjoyment out of your Cirrus and its advanced systems. Already rated but out of currency? Our recurrent training builds upon your existing experience to broaden your knowledge and hone your skills.

    courses Highlights

    • Realistic scenarios
    • Partial panel procedures
    • Lost communications
    • Complex ATC instructions
    • Expanded avionics knowledge
    • Non-standard instrument procedures

    New Cirrus Pilot

    Transition Training



    If you are buying a pre-owned Cirrus and need transition training (Embark), our Factory Standardized course will get you up to speed and meet your insurance needs. We are experts in aircraft equipped with all possible configurations: Avidyne, Aspen, Perspective, Perspective+, Perspective Plus touch.

    Course Highlights

    • Flexible scheduling

    • Train at home or in Seattle

    • Scenario based training

    • Maximize Cirrus's capabilities


    Test Your Skills

    Advanced Training



    Now that you have flown your Cirrus for a while and are comfortable with the basics it is time to expand your comfort zone. Come fly with us and build your skills by going into real short field strips, grass strips, mountain airports, and airports with trees and obstacles. Get more comfortable flying into busy airspace, doing arrival and departure procedures and flying in real clouds.


    Partner Training

    For the Non-Pilot Flying Partner, The Flight Academy can train your non-pilot flying partner or regular companions in the very easy but important steps required to safely control the aircraft in an emergency situation. They will learn how to use the autopilot, talk on the radios, and how to deploy the Cirrus Aircraft Parachute System safely.

    Course Highlights

    • Training tailored for you
    • Flexible schedule
    • Scenario based training
    • Maximize your Cirrus's capabilities